Davison Maruziva, editor of
the privately owned weekly,
The Standard.

Frank Chikowore, freelance

Howard Burditt photographer
with Reuters news agency.

Davison Maruziva, editor of
the privately owned weekly,
The Standard.

insulting the president.
Police from the Law and
Order Section picked
Maruziva from his offices in
Harare and detained him at
Harare Central Police Station
for questioning over an
opinion piece written by
Professor Arthur Mutambara
leader of the other faction of
the Movement for Democratic
Change. The article in
question appeared on 20 April
2008 under the headline: A
shameful betrayal of national
independence. The article in
question appeared on 20 April
2008 under the headline: A
shameful betrayal of national
Chikowore and his coaccused who include
Movement for Democratic
Change director of information
and publicity Luke
Tamborinyoka were charged
with public violence. Trial date
was set for 11 June 2008.
Arrested and spent three
nights at Harare Central
Police Station and accused of
illegally using a satellite phone
to send pictures. Burditt who
was arrested on 5 May 2008
was released on 9 May 2008.
Police from the Law and
Order Section picked
Maruziva from his offices in
Harare and detained him at
Harare Central Police Station
for questioning over an
opinion piece written by
Professor Arthur Mutambara
leader of the other faction of
the Movement for Democratic
Change. Was released on
Z$10 billion bail after
spending a night in custody on
charges of contravening the
Criminal Law (Codification

8 May 2008

8 May 2008

9 May 2008

9 May 2008


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