Globecast freelance
cameraperson and satellite
technician, Abdulla Ismail

New York Times
correspondent Barry Bearaik
and South African Freelance
journalist Stephan Bevan.

South African Sipho Moses
Maseko Globecast freelance
cameraperson and Abdulla
Ismail Gaibee, satellite

New York Times
correspondent Barry Bearaik
and South African Freelance
journalist Stephan Bevan.

Section 78 (20 of AIPPA or
alternatively Section 6 (5) of
the Electoral Laws
Amendment Act which refers
to observation of elections
without accreditation. Their
trial commenced before
Harare Magistrate Shongwe
with the accused pleading not
guilty to the offence.
The two were accused of
practicing journalism without
accreditation in terms of
Section 78 (2) of AIPPA.
Appeared before Harare
Magistrate Gloria Takundwa
for a hearing on their
application for refusal of
Accused of contravening
Section 78 (20 of AIPPA or
alternatively Section 6 (5) of
the Electoral Laws
Amendment Act which refers
to observation of elections
without accreditation. The two
were acquitted of the charges
by Harare magistrate Dorris
Shongwe who said the state
had failed to prove how the
two managed to observe the
29 march 2008 elections
when in fact they were in
custody. She said that the
state’s case had also been
weakened by its witnesses
among them the Permanent
Secretary of Information and
Publicity George Charamba
who were not present at the
scene of the alleged crime.
The two were also acquitted
on charges of defeating the
course of justice.
The two were accused of
practicing journalism without
accreditation in terms of
Section 78 (2) of AIPPA.
Ruling in their application for
refusal of remand and enquiry

10 April 2008.

14 April 2008.

14 April 2008


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