arguments that had arisen
during the trial. Ironically, the
offending section has since
been repealed by the AIPPA
Amendment Act which was
signed by President Robert
Mugabe on 11 January 2008.
Minister of Information and The minister gazetted new
15 February 2008
Sikhanyiso registration and accreditation
fees for mass media houses
and journalists in terms of the
repressive Access to
Information and Protection of
Privacy (AIPPA) and in terms
of Statutory Instrument 19 of
2008. The fees were
condemned as harsh and
designed to limit the number
of foreign journalists that will
cover the 29 March 2008
Freelance journalist Fazilla Arrested by riot police while
17 February 2008
covering developments at the
Anglican Cathedral of St Mary
and All Saints which is at the
centre of a vicious feud
between followers of Bishop
Nolbert Kunonga and Bishop
Sebastain Bakare. She was
accused of failing to
“adequately identify” herself.
She was taken to Harare
Central Police Station for
questioning. The police
confiscated her recorder
before releasing her. She was
asked to report to Harare
Central Police Station the
next day before being
released without charges.
Blessed Mhlanga, James
The three appeared in court
18 February 2008
Muonwa and Wycliff Nyarota, on charges of contravening
journalists with the Network
Section 80 of AIPPA by
Guardian in Kwekwe.
publishing a false story
alleging that George Muvhimi
and Tatenda Manhanga were
caught with their pants down
while having sexual
intercourse in a vehicle at
Mbizo shopping centre in


Select target paragraph3