Muradzikwa was fired for reportedly defying ministerial orders to deny the opposition Movement
of Democratic Change (MDC) favourable coverage in the run-up to the 29 March 2008
elections. He was relieved of his duties on 14 May 2008 for openly defying the Minister of
Information and Publicity Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu and the ministry’s Permanent Secretary George
Charamba to deny positive radio and television publicity to the MDC. He was also reportedly
accused of denying President Robert Mugabe favourable coverage.
The minister is said to have also instructed the former ZBC boss to bar the MDC from flighting
its election campaign material with the state-controlled broadcaster subsequent to the 27 June
2008 presidential election runoff. The instructions defied by Muradzikwa fly in the face of the
SADC Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections which stress equal opportunities and full
participation of the citizens in political processes.
In terms of the guidelines on the conduct of democratic elections member states, Zimbabwe
included, should adhere to the principles of freedom of association, political tolerance and
affording all political parties equal and equitable access to the state broadcaster.
In comments published by the weekly Zimbabwe Independent Muradzikwa, however, said:
“There was no specific reason (as to) why I was fired. It’s only the part of the (dismissal) which
says the shareholder had lost confidence in me that probably says something about the
reasons of my dismissal. “I religiously stuck to the statutes governing our operations as a
broadcaster as given in the amended Broadcasting Services Act. Nobody had the right to
instruct me on how to act as this was outside the law. We made sure we stuck to the laws and I
believe I was right in that approach.”
Political Interference and Censorship

It is trite to note that when he appeared before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on
Transport and Communications in 2007, Muradzikwa told the committee that political
interference and censorship of news reports is the order of the day at the state-controlled
broadcaster. He further mentioned that ZBC was reporting on the “basis of deception” and that
the Ministry of Information and Publicity should be clear on what is expected of the state
The transformation of the ZBC into a truly independent public broadcaster as envisaged under
the African Charter on Broadcasting will only be secured through the establishment of an
independent broadcasting and telecommunications regulatory body to curb outside political
interference. The current setup where the regulatory body, the Broadcasting Authority of
Zimbabwe (BAZ) and ZBC board is answerable to the executive stands in the way of the
desired transformation of the ZBC into a public broadcaster and enabler of free speech.
ICTs and telecommunications

With the advent of global advancements in ICTs which has ushered in digital citizen journalism
and mobile reporting as new forms of citizen communication to share and exchange
information on issues of interest, the need for an integrated telecommunications and
broadcasting sector becomes even more imperative to entrench democracy and freedom of
expression. This is more so given the appalling state of fixed and mobile telephone networks in

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