4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/
non-statutory bodies that deal with complaints
from the public
There is an independent body – the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe
(VMCZ), which rules on issues of standards, and the media submit to them.
There is a set mechanism for resolving complaints made to the Council.
Media houses generally abide by these rulings, but if a media house believes that
the facts as published were correct, then ‘the media house will not budge.’ In
these cases, the issue will then go to court.
There is also the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC). Government, for instance,
will complain to the ZMC, and not to the VMCZ. Currently, however, the contract
of the Chief Executive Officer at the ZMC is expired and there is no board in place.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:


✓ ✓ ✓ ✓






2006: 1.1; 2008: 1.7; 2010: 2.8; 2012: 3.2; 2015: 2.6

4.3 Salary levels and general working conditions,
including safety, for journalists and other media
practitioners, are adequate
Although journalism is seen as a glamorous profession, in terms of salaries it is
poorly paid. ‘Their names are big, but their salaries are poor.’
This can also be linked to falling ethical standards. Journalists who pander to
certain individuals may take ‘brown envelopes’ or ‘freebies’ because of their poor
salaries, but the standard of their reporting deteriorates in the process. At ZBC,
politicians will often pay journalists to attend a press conference or launch event.
At the moment, salaries are determined on an ad hoc basis, although suggestions
were made for a media council to standardise salaries.
Salaries for entry level public relations officers in government stand at approximately
US$60 per month. Journalists earn approximately US$110 per month.



Select target paragraph3