4.1 The standard of reporting follows the basic
principles of accuracy and fairness
Generally, the media tries to be fair. There are now fewer cases of people
complaining about unethical reporting, and fewer cases of people taking the
media to court in order to seek recourse. In terms of fairness, reporters are urged
to write balanced stories and get comments from more than one source.
However, there continue to be mistakes and inaccuracies, and there are occasions
when an apology has to be printed. Empirical evidence has pointed to a decline
in journalism standards in Zimbabwe. An example is the Information and Media
Panel of Inquiry (IMPI), a report which was compiled by media house editors in
2015, and which exposed some unethical practices.
Online stories are often inaccurate, and this is even transferred to the print
media, some of whom – in a rush to meet deadlines – simply pull stories from
the internet and print them, without checking the content and the sources first.
There are also trends whereby unnamed sources are quoted, a whole story is
built around a single tweet, or unreliable sources (such as Wikipedia) are used.
Online blogs now also have great impact, sometimes reaching a wider readership
than traditional media platforms.
Fairness in the coverage of minority voices is needed. When dealing with those
with disabilities, for example. journalists continue to ask basic (but intrusive)
questions about a person’s condition, whereas these are often complex medical
issues that are difficult for a lay person to understand.
MISA Zimbabwe, amongst others, is doing good work in terms of training
journalists to be professional and principled. ZimFact, a fact checking organisation,
releases regular reports, but media houses seem to make limited use of them.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:






✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

2006: 2.3; 2008: 2.1; 2010: 2; 2012: 2.4; 2015: 2.5


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