2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures, which
aim to meet the information needs of all citizens, including marginalised communities.
Lesotho has a formal ICT policy, but its effectiveness has not yet been tested, and
the extent to which it has been implemented is unclear.
“It is there, but the test has not been done to interrogate it.”
Amongst other things, the policy is “intended to unite Government, industry, civil
society and the general public in the achievement of its national development
goals”. It promotes the use of mobile telephones, seeks to reduce the digital
divide, and aims to secure Lesotho’s place in the information economy, etc.
However, various structures that are meant to promote its implementation – for
example, rural electrification, school resources, e-government infrastructure, etc.
– are not yet in place.
Although many people have access to mobile telephones, the adoption of internet
is slow – mainly because of the high price of internet.
Furthermore, with only 30% of Lesotho being electrified and the rural
electrification programme far behind schedule, the introduction of ICTs in rural
areas has yielded very mixed results thus far.
“Taking these issues in their totality, the concern is not only to provide facilities,
but also to undertake research and monitoring. It is only in higher education
where we find greater access. But in primary and secondary education, ICT use is
low. The obstacles lie in implementation.”
“There is a lack of political will, especially since the budget is there. If a certain
project won’t benefit certain individuals, it won’t see the light of day.”
With regards to digital migration, Lesotho is partly ready, and should be done
preparing for this by October 2015.



Select target paragraph3