2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic, cultural, political, social, national and local perspectives and
conduct investigative stories.
Politics is the dominant subject across all media platforms.
Economics is covered in a very limited way in both print and broadcast media. The
Investor covers business topics, but the publication is still very new.
Social issues are only covered to a certain extent, and usually relate to women’s
issues. Youth – and particularly children’s – issues are not covered in their entirety,
and usually feature in negative reporting.
For the most part, the perspectives covered in the media are national topics.
“We don’t get stories on voices from the ground in different cities or villages.”
Furthermore, information appears not to reach the grassroots, as people at the
local level are not fully informed or seem to be unaware about national activities.
“When you ask people at the local level, many of them don’t even understand
the issues. For example, with the 2015 election, people had limited information
on the process and why it was happening. But there may be an element of
‘negligence’ or apathy, as many people don’t even know who their leaders are.”
Less than five journalists in the country focus on investigative stories, and
media houses lack capacity, security, and resources in this regard. This heavily
compromises the standard of investigative journalism.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.1 (2012 = 1.5; 2010 = 3.7; 2008 = 2.0;
2006 = 4.0)

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