2.8 All media fairly represent the voices of society and
its minorities in its ethnic, linguistic, religious diversity.
Linguistically, although English and Basotho are well covered as the main
languages in Lesotho, not all the languages spoken are represented in the media.
Xhosa, for example, is only covered by MoAfrika, and minimally at that.
Lesotho TV, however, provides sign language coverage.
Ethnically, there is a group in the south of Lesotho called the Baphuthi, who are
marginalised (to the extent that they see themselves as separate from other parts
of Lesotho), and whose stories are not documented in Lesotho media. The Xhosa
and Ndebele people of Lesotho also do not receive much media coverage, and
resort to tuning in to South African media instead.
Sexual minorities are not represented in the media.
Religiously, although the majority of Basotho identify as Christians, other religions
hardly feature in the media. “Muslims are not represented at all.”
With respect to age diversity, although children’s issues are covered to some
extent, they are not represented very well because the focus is on the negative –
‘to sell their content’. “Issues affecting the boy or girl child only come out when
the negative is happening. But on positive issues, there is very little coverage. The
media’s focus is on the negative, and people are attracted to buying or listening
to such things.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.0 (2012 = 2.0; 2010 = 2.2; 2008 = n/a;
2006 = n/a)



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