Freedom of Information

(a) deliberations or functions of the Cabinet and its committees;
(b) information protected from disclosure in victim friendly courts.
Request for Access to Information



Requests for access to information

(1) Any person who wishes to request access to information from any public
entity, public commercial entity or the holder of a statutory office in accordance with
the rights granted under this Act may apply in writing in a prescribed manner to an
information officer of the public entity, public commercial entity or holder of a statutory
office concerned.
(2) On receipt of a request, an information officer must immediately provide
a written acknowledgement of the request to the applicant.


(3) If an information officer is able to provide an immediate response to an
applicant that is to the satisfaction of the applicant, the information officer shall make
the response.




Response to request

(1) Subject to subsection (2), an information officer to whom a request is made
shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, but in any event within twenty-one days of the
date of the request—
(a) determine whether to grant the request; and
(b) notify the applicant of the decision whether to grant the request in writing;
(c) subject to subsection (7), if the request is granted, give the applicant
access to the information.
(2) Where a request relates to information which reasonably appears to be
necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of a person, the responsible person or holder
of a statutory office shall, within forty-eight hours of the submission of the request—
(a) determine whether or not the request may be granted; and
(b) notify the applicant of the decision whether to grant the request in writing;
(c) if the request is granted, give the applicant access to the information
within the same forty-eight-hour period.


(3) If a request is granted, the notification referred to in subsection (1) or (2)
must specify—
(a) the form in which access to the information will be given; and
(b) the fees due, including any reproduction, translation or transcription fees,
if any, payable before the further processing of the request.


(4) Subject to subsection (6), where an information officer notifies that a request
has been granted, an information officer shall—
(a) if any prescribed fee is payable, upon payment of the fee by the applicant;
(b) if no fee is payable, immediately;
give access to the information to the applicant.

Select target paragraph3