Freedom of Information

(b) a public commercial entity;
whose duty it is to create, keep, organise and maintain information on
behalf of the entity;
“Secretary” means the Secretary of the Zimbabwe Media Commission;
“third party”, in relation to a request for access to information, means any
person, group of persons or organisation other than the person who made
the request;
“trade secret” means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation,
programme, device, product, method, technique or process, that is used,
or may be used, in business or for any commercial advantage and—
(a) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not
being generally known to the public or to other persons who can
obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and
(b) is the subject of reasonable efforts to prevent it from becoming
generally known; and
(c) the disclosure of which would result in harm or improper benefit.




Objects of Act
The objects of this Act are—
(a) to give effect to the right of access to information in accordance with the
Constitution; and
(b) to establish voluntary and mandatory mechanisms or procedures to
give effect to the right of access to information so as to facilitate swift,
inexpensive and simple access to information; and
(c) to promote transparency, accountability and effective governance by
taking any steps necessary to—
(i) educate or inform the public of their rights in terms of this Act; and
(ii) ensure that appropriate assistance is afforded to members of the
public seeking to exercise their right of access to information in
order to facilitate the exercise of the right.




Access to Information

Duty to create, keep, organise and maintain information

Every responsible person or holder of a statutory office shall cause to be created,
kept, organised and maintained information—
(a) in the interests of public accountability; or
(b) in the exercise or protection of a right.

Duty to disclose information

Subject to this Act, every public entity, public commercial entity or holder of a
statutory office shall have a written information disclosure policy through which it
discloses information in the interests of public accountability or that is required for the
exercise or protection of a right.


Act not to apply to certain public entities and persons
This Act does not apply to information relating to—


Select target paragraph3