State of the media in Southern Africa - 2004
Date: January 2, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Radio Dialogue FM
Violation(s): Detained
On January 2 2004, the station manager of “Radio Dialogue FM”, Father Nigel Johnson, was
arrested in Bulawayo - approximately 450km from the capital Harare - whilst filming footage
for a music video. Father Johnson told MISA-Zimbabwe that he was filming a group of artists
performing dances in the high density of Nkulamane when he was approached by two policemen
and a civilian. The police confiscated his video camera and car keys, and demanded that he
accompany them to the police station. After his arrest, he was taken to Nkulumane Police
station before being transferred to Bulawayo Central Police Station and detained overnight.
Father Johnson was charged under the Miscellaneous Offences Act and homicide. He was
released on January 3, 2003. On January 5 the police picked up Father Johnson from the
“Radio Dialogue FM” offices in Bulawayo for further questioning on the activities of the
aspiring community radio station. The video camera was returned on his release.
Date: January 10, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Iden Wetherell, Vincent Kahiya and Dumisani Muleya
Violation(s): Detained
On January 10 2004, “Zimbabwe Independent” newspaper Editor, Iden Wetherell, News Editor
Vincent Kahiya and Chief reporter Dumisani Muleya were arrested. The police allege that the
journalists denigrated President Robert Mugabe by publishing a story that the president
“commandeered” an air Zimbabwe plane to take him to Asia. The journalists were charged
under Section 80 of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the police
indicated that it would consider charging them under the Public Order and Security Act (POSA)
as well. The three were granted Z$20 000 (approximately US$24 ) bail each on January 12.
Date: January 14, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Raphael Khumalo and Itai Dzamara
Violation(s): Detained, charged
On January 14 2003, the manager of the “Zimbabwe Independent”, Raphael Khumalo and
reporter Itai Dzamara were summoned to Harare Central Police station and charged with criminal
defamation. They were released around 16h30 that same day.
Dzamara co-authored a “Zimbabwe Independent” story titled “Mugabe grabs plane for Far
East Holiday”, with chief reporter Dumisani Muleya. The state alleges that the story is false
and defamatory to President Robert Mugabe. Muleya was arrested on January 10 together with
editor Iden Wetherell and news editor Vincent Kahiya. Police also wanted to charge Dzamara for
practising without accreditation. Proof that he has applied for accreditation was sent to the police.
On October 4 2004, Wetherell, Kahiya and Itai were charged with criminal defamation. They are
awaiting the setting of a trial data after a magistrate ruled that they could have a case to answer.
Date: January 13, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Zimbabwe Independent, Iden Wetherell
Violation(s): Threatened
The Chairman of the government appointed Media and Information Commission, Dr Tafataona
Mahoso, has threatened to take action against the “Zimbabwe Independent” and its editor Iden
Wetherell over what he calls a “racist” letter to the editor that was published in the paper on
So This Is Democracy? 2004


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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