
In any event, I do not think that those specific meanings attributed
to the articles and referred to at paragraph 31 above, mean
anything different from what is said in the foregoing paragraphs
when considering the implied meanings of an “imposter: and a
“usurper”, in the context of the articles concerned.


Even if the Plaintiff was relying on an innuendo, assuming I am
wrong in my conclusion that the articles were per se defamatory, I
do not think that it can realistically be said that the Plaintiff has
deviated from the pleaded meaning and therefore that the claim
should be dismissed on that ground. It seems to me that a
reasonable reader would be justified to understand the articles to be
saying that the Plaintiff was an imposter, whose definition according
to the Compact Oxford English Dictionary (Revised) third Edition,
2008, “is a person who pretends to be someone else in order to
deceive or defraud others.” When considering the statement to the
effect “Gelane knows her real father is out there and where he is
employed but has decided to stay away from him, I cannot say much
about the reasons behind her deserting me” and also the statement
that, “She does not want to associate herself with me may be because
I have nothing to offer her compared to what the Simelane’s do.”
These words can indeed be understood by reasonable readers to
mean that she was pretending to be who she was not in order to
deceive them and perhaps even the nation at large and its
authorities. It therefore would not be correct to suggest that she was
providing a different case from the one pleaded or that she was now
relying on a different meaning to the one attached to the pleadings
in the context of the matter.


I also have no doubt that another reasonable reader would be
justified to conclude that the Plaintiff was considering the
statements in the articles to the effect that “this means Gelane could
be acting illegally together with the statement; “According to Jim
Gama, the area should be under the guidance of a person originally
born as a Simelane.” According to the Compact Oxford English
Dictionary Revised Third Edition, 2008, a usurper is a person who
“seizes articles over a person’s position or power illegally or by
I need to mention that in terms of the Swazi Culture or way of life,
something I take judicial notice of, it is downright defamatory to
publicly refer to someone as being born of a different surname than
the one he knows himself or he is known of. Such a person is called a
livezandlebe, (a bastard) which is a derogatory term to effectively
mean such a person has no rights where he has always know himself


Select target paragraph3