Average score: 5.0 (2005=5.0) 1.5 Protection of confidential sources of information is guaranteed by law. ANALYSIS: There is no specific protection of sources for journalists. In libel cases the law provides that if a story is claimed to be the “truth”, then the sources must be produced in court. The tradition of journalistic ethics covering “attribution” is rendered irrelevant. Pieces of legislation covering official secrets, public procurement, military expenditure and the Penal Code do not protect sources of information. SCORES: Individual scores: 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2 Average score: 1.7 (2005=1.0) 1.6 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed by law, to all citizens, including journalists. ANALYSIS: Public information is not easily obtained from government. It is in fact restricted in some cases by certain pieces of legislation covering official secrets and national security. Besides the statutes, the Head of civil service and secretary to the cabinet in 2004 issued orders to public officers not to “leak” information to the public. The Government Spokesman attempts to provide information to the public. This though is largely reactive to given situations and not based on public need or demand. A few ministries and departments like the Ministry of Health and the Police have public relations sections. However, these like the Government Spokesman, give limited information when it comes to matters touching on governance and corruption. While many commissions have been set up on various issues, the reports have been kept confidential within government. SCORES: Individual scores: 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 Average score: 1.5 3 (2005=1.5)