There are very few women in top media management and editorial positions. Many women
in the media are at lower levels. This is a historical as well as a social issue.
The media policies do not address the issue of women and gender equity. On evolutionary
scale, some media houses for example the defunct “Weekly Review” had deliberate policy for
gender equity.
Radio and television stations go for women not necessarily for gender equity but for the lure
for face and voice.
There is need to weave in affirmative action as well as policies that are proactive.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4

Average score:



4.10 Gender mainstreaming is reflected in the editorial content.

There has been overall improvement in media coverage of women in the last two years.
Workshops to sensitive journalists do not target deconstruction of gender in the media, but
focus on doses for specific coverage. Training should include gender mainstreaming.
Women stereotyping persists in the media through adverts and negative images. Media
continues to feminize problems for example poverty and HIV/Aids. There is need to re-think
in what fashion women appear in the media.
Individual scores:

1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3

Average score:


Overall score for sector 4:

2.6 (2005=3.2)

Overall score for Kenya

2.9 (2005=2.7)


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