4.7 Training facilities offer formal qualification programmes for journalists as well as
opportunities to upgrade their skills.

Training facilities are available at Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. There are
attempts to balance between theory and imparting practical skills.
The growth in media outlets has occasioned competition and demand for quality. Training
institutions will increasingly be scrutinized for standards and quality of products.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4

Average score:



4.8 Journalists and other media practitioners are organized in trade unions and/or
professional associations.
There are several trade unions and professional associations including the following:
Kenya Union of Journalists, Media Owners Association, The Editors’ Guild of Kenya, Media
Educators and Trainers Association and Kenya Correspondents’ Association.
However, these do not effectively serve their stated objectives. They could for example be
more involved in setting standards for media houses, individuals and provide peer review
mechanism for media establishments.
The unions in particular lack organic structures that seek a holistic approach to journalistic
roles in society. Instead, they largely focus on short-term narrow interests.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4

Average score:


(2005= 4.7)

4.9 Gender mainstreaming is promoted in terms of equal participation of both sexes in the
production process.


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