Zambia 2015 violations & victories
12 October

Minister threatens to close radio
The Information Minister Chishimba
Kambwili threatened to close Zambia’s oldest private radio station - Radio Phoenix, accusing the opposition
United Party for National Development (UPND) of having a hand in the
running of the station.

6 November

Zambian Revenue Authority storm
Post Newspaper
The Zambia Revenue Authority
(ZRA) in the company of two armed
police officers, raided Post Newspapers Limited offices over alleged unpaid taxes of over K16 million. The
Post denied owing ZRA any money
and said this was an attempt to make
it look as the though the newspapers
owed a great deal of money when it
has already paid over K40 million in
taxes over the past 11 months.

30 November

Party cadres interrupt political
interview on radio
Suspected Patriotic Front Party cadres
rudely interrupted a political radio
programme on Breeze FM featuring
Rainbow Party President Wynter Kabimba. Less than 10 minutes into the
programme, the cadres started throwing stones forcing Mr Kabimba to immediately leave the station and abandon the programme. Other Rainbow
members who accompanied Mr.
Kabimba and Breeze FM staff were
forced to scamper for safety as the
unruly cadres forced themselves into
the station building.

10 December

Journalists beaten by party cadres
Feel Free Radio journalist Kelvin
Phiri and Post newspaper journalist
Peter Sukwa were brutally beaten
by Patriotic Front cadres. The cadres also assaulted UPND Eastern
Province Information and Publicity Secretary Victor Mbuzi when the
trio went to investigate allegations of
Malawians being ferried across the
border to be registered as Zambian

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