29 April

Minister orders government to
pay money owed to public media
Information Minister Chishimba
Kambwili said it had come to his
attention that ZNBC, Daily Mail,
and Times of Zambia were owed
money by government departments for advertising secured on
credit. In an interview with ZNBC,
the Minister said no government
department shall be allowed to
advertise in any public media on
credit and he warned public media marketing managers that he
would not take kindly to anyone
who defies his directive.

3 May

Minister justifies journalist
Minister of Information Chishimba
Kambwili told journalists that political cadres were beating them
up because they were continuously writing negative stories on
President Edgar Lungu. Ironically,
this disturbing comment came on
World Press Day.

6 June

Zambian musician arrested over
satirical song
Zambian satirical musician Chama
Fumba, better known as Pilato,
was arrested over a song considered to be defamatory towards
President Edgar Lungu. He was
discharged on 14 July by the Lusaka Magistrate Court case.

17 June

Zambia meets ITU deadline with
partial digital migration
Zambia switched from analogue
television to digital terrestrial
broadcasting in line with the June
17, 2015 deadline as set by the

16 July

Post Editor and Journalists
arrested and charged
Zambian Police arrested Post
newspaper owner Fred M’membe
and one of his reporters, Mukosha
Funga on a charge of publishing
classified documents contrary to
Section 5 Cap 111 of the State
Security Act. The arrest was in
connection with an article which
appeared in the Post newspaper
on 17 April 2015, quoting a letter written by the Anti-Corruption
Commission Director-General to
the Republican President.

28 August

Minister interferes in Mkushi
Community Radio board
Central Province Minister Davis Chisopa (MP) reportedly ordered the dissolution of the entire
Mkushi Community Radio Board.
He said that the board of the radio
station had breached its own constitution to the detriment of the aspiration and interest of the citizens
of Mkushi. He further charged
that membership in the current
Board allegedly inclined towards
opposition political Parties.

30 September

Gunshots at The Post newspaper
An unknown gunman fired shots
inside the newsroom. The shots
which came from the roof top sent
reporters and other staff members
in a state of panic. It is that the
target of the shooting was Editor
in Chief Fred M’membe who was
not in the office at the time. Police
rushed to the scene and retrieved
the bullets but did not find any
cartridges. Luckily no one was

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