journalists and grabbed Lulekwa’s
camera which she was hiding under her jacket. They smashed it on
the road, destroying it, and also
took her cell phone. They ordered
the two to drive off ``if they didn’t
want to die’’, before pelting their
car with stones.

April 21

Photographer safely escorted
from tense suburban scene
Photographer Mathews Baloyi
was safely escorted out of Jeppestown in the evening just before the
military and police raid of the area
after residents who saw him raise
his camera started threatening to
beat him and other journalists for
the Sunday Times pictures of Emmanuel Sithole being killed in
Alex which led to the arrest of four
suspects (See April 19 item above).

June 1

Johannesburg Metro police stop
cameramen picturing arrest of
drunk driver
Sanef complained to the Johannesburg Metro Police Department that
JMPD officers prevented eNCA
cameraman Pierre le Roux and
Beeld photographer Cornel van
Heerden from filming the officers
arresting a drunk driver outside
the South Gauteng High Court a
week earlier by manhandling the
journalists. In the scuffle Le Roux’s
camera was damaged. Sanef was
assured that an investigation had
been instituted but the outcome is
not known.

July 27

Photographer covering parents’
violent protest against teacher
shortage trampled on
Daily Sun journalist Luvuyo Mehlwana was hit on the head and
fell down while covering a protest
march by parents against the East-

ern Cape Education Department
in Port Elizabeth’s northern areas
over an alleged shortage of teachers. The protest turned violent and
police and cars were pelted with
stones. Mehlwana was trampled
on as he lay on the ground and
robbed of his laptop, camera, wallet and cell phone. He sustained
serious injuries. His camera was
recovered, but the pictures and
video on it had been deleted. He
opened a case of assault and theft.

August 6

Police officer warns cameraman
he is ``in trouble’’ if pictures taken
The Citizen photographer Allister
Russell was briefly detained by a
police officer while taking pictures
of a march on the University of Johannesburg’s Auckland Park campus by the EFF Student Command.
The officer said Russell would “be
in trouble” if pictures of him appeared in the newspaper. Police
officers pushed him away when
he tried to photograph the arrest of
scores of young students.

August 7

Sanef outraged by attack on
journalist by former rail chief
The South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) expressed
outrage at an attack on Rapport
journalist Pieter-Louis Myburgh by
the former chief executive officer
of the Passenger Rail Agency of
South Africa (Prasa), Lucky Montana. Myburgh visited Montana’s
new house in Waterkloof, Pretoria,
in his car after allegations of impropriety over the financing of Montana’s properties surfaced. After
Montana questioned his presence
at the house, Myburgh drove off
and Montana threw a brick at the
car, striking a rear door which was
damaged. Myburgh laid charges
against Montana at a police station.

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