South Africa 2015 violations & victories
February 12

Journalists’ cell phones blocked
Journalists in Parliament to hear
the State of the Nation Address
by President Jacob Zuma were
astonished when their cell phones
would not respond. They found
that the State Security Agency
had installed a signal blocking
device to thwart any attempt to
use unmanned aircraft drones to
attack the president or parliament
and this had rendered the phones
inoperable. The one bright spot
was the immediate disabling
of the device when journalists

February 12

Court action against `censored’
TV pictures of Parliamentary
Journalists instituted a court action
against Parliament’s broadcasting
team for failing to transmit pictures
of mis-behaviour of MPs and the
turmoil that erupted when police
ejected Economic Freedom Front
(EFF) MPs. The cameras were
switched from the scuffling MPs to
the face of the Speaker, preventing
viewers from seeing the disruption.
In May two of three judges ruled
against the journalists who have

March 15

Western Cape Government calls
for boycott of newspaper
Helen Zille instructed Western
Cape Government provincial
departments to cancel their
subscriptions to the Cape Times,
a local newspaper. The directive
to end subscriptions followed
the publication of a report earlier
this month titled, ‘Foetal alcohol
syndrome’ sad legacy: The story
of baby Thomas.’ The DA Premier
Helen Zille responded to the
article, criticising the facts of the
story and the newspaper’s alleged
refusal to cooperate in locating the

April 8

Security guard stops picture
of train derailment taken from
public road
Paarl Post community newspaper
journalist Frans le Roux was physically prevented by a security guard
from the Passenger Rail Authority
of SA (Prasa) from taking pictures
of a train derailment in Paarl. Le
Roux was trying to take pictures
from a public road when the guard
stormed at him and stopped him.
The editor has lodged a complaint
with Prasa and pointed out that the
newspaper had experienced similar interference from Prasa security
guards in the past. Although taking
pictures on railway property can
be banned, photographers are free
to take pictures of scenes on railway property from a public road
or place.

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