Newspaper liquidator who raided and occupied Fred M’membe’s house in Shiwang’andu.” The paper
reported that:
“Provisional liquidator of the Post Newspapers Limited in liquidation, Lewis Mosho has asked
Police to protect and investigate property suspected to have been allegedly acquired from proceeds
of crime by Fred M’membe.
The identified property located in Mwika Village of Sub-Chief Mwabawankulungwe in Senior Chief
Nkula in Shiwang’andu District belongs to Fred M’membe. Police have since sealed off the property.
Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joe Njase has confirmed the development to ZANIS in
Chinsali today saying Mr. Mosho made the request in a letter dated June 19, 2019.
Mr. Njase said this is part of asset recoveries arising from the complaint raised by former workers
in respect to the liquidation of the company. He said it is their mandate as Zambia Police under
Article 193 sub-Article 2 to protect life and property, among other functions.
The paper further reported that:
Mr. Njase said the request by the provisional liquidator is in line with Police mandate and that as
Police they are mindful that this is an allegation hence need to also respect the suspect Dr. Fred
M’membe. He reiterated that police will remain professional and hope that both the liquidator and
Dr M’membe will cooperate with the investigations team by availing all necessary documents to
prove otherwise.
In a consent judgement delivered on January 10, 2018, High Court Judge Sunday Nkonde declared
The Post Newspaper Limited in liquidation insolvent and wound up.
The court also confirmed Mr. Mosho as the provisional liquidator. And on December 20, 2018, Mr.
Mosho placed a Caveat over the piece of land allocated to Dr. M’membe in Mwika village.
The Caveat was placed following a judgement delivered On December 11, 2018 by the Constitutional
Court that awarded costs to The Post Newspapers in liquidation against Dr. M’membe.
In slightly different circumstances, on 14th May, 2019 the Times of Zambia Publication carried a headline,
“Radio caller nabbed.” The paper reported that:
“A thirty-one-year-old resident of Luanshya has been arrested by police for allegedly defaming
President Edgar Lungu. Fred Maanya of Zaoni Street in Luanshya is alleged to have defamed the
president in a phone in programme on Millennium Radio.


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