of Zambia Newspaper Publication under the heading, “MLC condemns IBA over recording notice” the
paper reported that:
The Media Liaison Committee (MLC) has condemned a notice by the Independent Broadcasting
Authority (IBA) to all broadcasting media to present recordings of all programming every two weeks.
MLC chairperson Enoch Ngoma said in a statement yesterday that the notice was another example
of the increasing anti-media activities towards the broadcast media sector by the IBA, which if left
unchecked would kill the media sector.
It must be noted that instead of the IBA championing media surveillance efforts, the IBA should be seen to
be putting up initiatives that champion media development. The IBA must be a protector of media freedoms
and media professionalism in an era of media attacks and journalist harassments in the line of duty. Further,
instead of burdening the media with buying of storage disks that are supposed to be handed over to IBA,
IBA should make use of technology to create online mail drop boxes for the media to save their recordings
for the media or any interested party and researchers to access at no cost to the media. This is a cost saving
alternative both as regards time and monetary issues.

4.2.5. Harassment/Intimidation
The quarter under review recorded acts of harassment and intimidation. Standing out, were the cases
involving Radio Maria Zambia and Power FM. The two cases prompted a reaction from the British High
Commissioner to Zambia, Fergus Cochrane-Dyet who hailed government for condemning harassment of
journalists, saying it was unacceptable because it threatened media freedoms and the ultimate freedom of
expression. The High Commissioner has been vocal in issues around media freedom and liberties an act
that has seen him being both ridiculed and appreciated.
The period under review also recorded a case of verbal abuse involving two journalists Joe Pandwe and
Evans Liyali from Byta FM who on 19th June, 2019 in their course of duty confirming details of a woman
who gave birth to triplets at the district office were threatened and harassed by the hospital officials for
requesting for a break-down of information on the birth of the triplets. According to Byta FM station
Manager, the news crew had gone to the hospital following a tip off on the birth by medical personnel at
the facility.
The period under review further witnessed a raid on former Post Newspapers proprietor Fred Mmembe’s
property. On 24th June, 2019, the Lusaka Times online publication carried a headline, “It’s The Post


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