The high level of corruption has ruined the reputation and integrity of Nigerian
media organisations. Newspaper sales have fallen and advertising revenue has
shrunk as a result of this corruption. More and more, the public is aware that news
is manipulated, and they no longer believe most things they read in newspapers
or hear on radio and television.
Many factors could be responsible for the problem. Low and irregular salaries
have put younger journalists at the mercy of rogue newsmakers. A common joke
is that some journalists use their press badges as meal tickets. Many newsrooms
are unable to pay for the cost of newsgathering, leaving this cost in the hands
of event organisers, who take advantage of this to tele-guide reporting. Because
it is believed to be easy to make money as a journalist, many have entered the
profession for the sole purpose of using their status to extort bribes and gain
access to powerful interests.
Those who have tried to stay clean have failed. Newswatch, founded by journalists,
soon faced decline after giving up its high standards. The Concord Group of
Newspapers, now defunct, covered the costs of for its journalists’ endeavours,
including buying air tickets and paying hotel bills for its journalists on assignment,
but the policy did not last.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.8 (2008: N/A; 2011: 1.9)

4.6 Journalists and editors do not practise self-censorship in in the private broadcasting and print media.
These days, Nigerian journalists are more outspoken than they were in the past.
Some have the reputation of “saying it raw”. But fear still reigns and journalists
may not be saying or publishing all they know or think. Insecurity has grown in
the country, political powerbrokers are still ruthless and security forces easily get
offended. “Nobody tells you don’t do this or that,” said a panellist. “You just
study the environment and decide how to carry yourself.”



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