4.4 Journalists and other media practitioners are organised in trade unions and/or professional associations, which effectively represent their interests.
Several media trade unions and professional associations exist in Nigeria.
Unions are recognised as representatives of journalists and often engage with
employers to resolve labour dispute. The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) is
considered the most powerful media organisation in the country. It is organised
so that no segment of the landscape is left out. The smallest unit of the union is
the Chapel, which functions at the newsroom level. The union then has national
executives and State Councils. Among other actions, the NUJ has on several
occasions intervened to demand for the payment of journalists’ salary arrears. .
It is unconstitutional for employers to prevent their employees from joining
unions. Nonetheless, some news organisations, such as The Punch newspaper,
Channels Television and Leadership newspaper are not unionised.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.0 (2008: 4.6; 2011: 4.3)

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt.
Corruption in the Nigerian media is still widespread. Journalists generally receive
and even demand “brown envelops” and gifts – including expensive cars – from
newsmakers in exchange for favourable reporting. A common practice is a form of
blackmail in which journalists and sometimes editors demand huge compensation
to “kill” or alter damaging reports. The “planting” of stories in newspapers is
another common practice, which often involves the top management of media
organisations. “Some journalists actually put themselves out for sale,” according
to a panellist. Another panellist said “people are willing to give up their integrity
for money and other favours.”



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