The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
The distribution of written media is very poor, because having access to the
newspaper in Mozambique, even in some of the provincial capitals, is still
something of a luxury. And little is done in the sense of changing the scenario;
for example, there is no legislation on postage paid, which is problematic.
The situation with regard to electronic media (particularly television and the
internet) is also not encouraging. In many parts of the country, there is still no
electricity and, where it does exist, it is of very poor quality. Radio is thought
to be in a better sitaution, since it is easy to listen to the radio with a device
which works, for example, with batteries. This situation is futher improved by
the extensive territorial coverage of Radio Mozambique, through its provincial
broadcasts, in addition to Community and Commercial Radio, which are in
operation in various parts of the Country.
With regard to the Internet, generally it is still in a situation which is not the
best, but over the last few years it has seemed to improve, particularly with the
expansion of the fibre optic network and with the entry onto the market of the
mobile phone network Movitel, which is investing in rural areas and with good
quality network and competitive prices.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



3.4 (2005 = 2.2; 2007 = 2.5; 		
2009 = 2.6; 2011 = 1.9)

Select target paragraph3