Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.3 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 		
2009 = 4.6; 2011 = 4.6)

1.6 Confidential sources of information are protected
by law and/or the courts.
Confidential sources of information are indeed protected in Mozambique. In
terms of the standard contained in number 3 of Article 48 of the CRM, including
freedom of the press, together with freedom of expression and creation for
journalists, access to sources of information and the right to create newspapers,
publications and other means of distribution of news, the protection of the
independence and the professional secrecty of journalists and news companies.
The professional secrecy referred to it is also included in the Press Law, which
provides, in number 1 of Article 30, that “It is acknowledged that journalists
have the right to professional secrecy in relation to the origin of the information
which they publish or distribute, with their silence not being subject to any kind
of penalty ”.
Considering that the media is an essential platform for exposing corruption, Law
number 15/-2012 of August 14, which was approved two years ago, is relevant
to them (it establishes the mechanisms for protection of the rights and interests
of victims, whistleblowers, witnesses, declarants or experts in criminal trials, and
creates the Central Office for Victim Protection).
Whether the courts protect confidential sources or not, from the formal point
of view the answer is yes, bearing in mind that the courts apply the law ‘par
excellence’, but, in some cases, whether due to technical deficiency or other
reaons, judges frequently compel journalists to reveal their sources which,
contrary to the CRm and the laws, and considering the quality of the subjects, is
particularly serious.



Select target paragraph3