Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.4 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 		
2009 = n/a; 2011 = n/a)

1.4 The Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom of
expression and freedom of the media.
The simple fact that the Government has still not proactively ensured the revision
of the legal system which is harmful to freedom of expression, or be doing it
within a time which is more than unreasonable – the Government has been
considering the revision of the Press Law and the drawing up of the Broadcasting
Law since the first mandate of Armando Guebuza (2005-2009)! – having the
initiative of law and influence on Parliament, as this is dominated by the party in
power, denotes that the necessasry effort is not being made.
In truth, almost all international instruments on freedom of expression and
freedom of the press have shown progressive measures while Mozambique is
still in a situation which is not well adjusted. On the other hand, two members
of the Government, namely the PR (paragraph a) of number 2 of Article 245 of
the CRM] and the Prime Minister [paragraph d) of number 2 of Article 245 of
the CRM] may, at any time, request the Constitutional Council to declare the
unconstitutionality of laws which are in breach of the supreme law of the country,
but there is no record of this having been done at any time.
However, we can note that, in 2012, the National Commission of Human Rights
was set up, although it was created by a law in 2009. This fact represents an
effort towards the materializaiton of international instruments of Human Rights,
including the question of Individual Freedom Rating and Fredom of Expression
and of the Press.



Select target paragraph3