
Monitoring   of the level of applicaiton of the international instruments
relevant to the freedom of the press by the Mozambican State.

At the level of what should be inserted into Sector 2, there should be:

A review of the mechanisms of appointment and resignation of top
managers of public media bodies;
The application of the Public Broadcasting Charter, approved by UNESCO;
Advocacy for the establishment of fair criteria for the distribution of public

At the level of what should be inserted into Sector 3, there should be:

Advocacy for the approval of the Law of Public Broadcasting ;
Advocacy for the approval of a specific law for community radios;
Advocacy for inserts from information bodies from public broadcasting to be
financed by a law of the Assembly of the Republic and not by programmecontracts with the Government or something similar ;
Monitoring of the process of digital migration.

At the level of what should be inserted into Sector 4, there should be:

Insistence on the importance of Codes of Conduct as self-regulation
instruments and the observance of this by journalists and their information
Advocacy for journalists to have access to training opportunities in relevant
Advocacy for the existence of funds to support investigative journalism, as
an essential pillar for the monitoring of the management of public affairs.

The Panel sessions took place from 7th - 9th November 2014, in Chidenguele,



Select target paragraph3