The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?


The growth in the media sector with regard to the number of print
publications, as well as in terms of free-to-air television stations which are
aimed at public information services;
The approval of the Law of the Right to Information is a development
which has the potential to contribute to the improvement of the quality of
information produced, particularly in the field of investigative journalism,
although specialized;
The setting up of a Response Committee for advocacy of freedom of the
press, through monitoring and defence of cases of infringement of press
freedoms in Mozambique;
Social media has experienced a growth never seen before, which broadens
the sources of information for citizens and creates positive pressure for the
media, in the sense of investing in quality and innovation;
There are even more journalists trained, not only in journalism but in other
areas of knowledge, which increases the potential of the very quality of
information produced and will improve public debate. environment has
led to a dramatic drop in the number of “hot political stories” either in the
form of breaking news or on-going stories which normally feed the media
and fuel the industry. That said, it must be acknowledged that newspapers
in particular have not been creative enough to produce alternative content.

2. What kinds of activities are needed over
the next three/four years?
At the level of what should be inserted into Sector 1, there should be:

The strengthening and revitalization of socio-professional organizations
for defending freedom of the press and the interests of journalists as a
professional group;
The setting up and/or activating of editing councils within the media bodies;
Incentivising networking, for effective and sustainable promotion and
defence of freedom of expression;
Systematic work towards monitoring of ethical matters, particularly
recourse to self-regulation mechanisms and/or instruments;
A vote in favour of the revocation and derogation of laws which are noncompliant with the dictates of freedom of the press, freedom of expression
and the right to information ;



Select target paragraph3