The two-day media symposium introduced
participants to the field of disaster risk reduction.
The first part of the symposium session focused
on defining the basic, but most important, terms
in relation to disaster issues. The different
elements of disaster risk management and
how these different elements contribute to our
understanding and better management of risk
and disasters was discussed and explained.

The journalists also acquired key tools to
report on compelling disaster news stories,
features and business stories as well as
gender mainstreaming the disaster, climate
change, renewable energy and nexus issues
story. As a result, the media has taken a keen
interest in covering disasters, climate change
and renewable energy, in addition to other
environmental issues.

On reporting disasters, emphasis was on finding
angles and sources to disaster stories and events.
More research to enrich the stories was also

Knowledge Products

Journalists are even more constrained in
covering disaster stories as most of them do
not understand the subject. It is for this reason
that MISA Zimbabwe held the symposium
to train the media on disasters reporting,
including cyclones and the latest COVID-19
global pandemic.
Following the training workshops and through
MISA Zimbabwe’s monitoring of media
coverage of the subject matter, there has been
an upsurge in the number of well structured
stories on renewable energy and other nexus
issues by the mainstream media. The Herald,
Zimbabwe Independent and NewsDay have
been particularly outstanding in that regard.
The symposium achieved a better understanding
of reporting on disasters, climate change,
renewable energy and nexus issues in an
authoritative, and balanced manner among
the participating editors and journalists.
By the end of the symposium, the participants
had learnt about different types of disasters
and their impacts to society and economies at
large. Also, the participants were able to identify
reliable sources, how to interview scientists,
project field staff, and government officials.




Journalism Safety and Security Manual

The Manual will serve as a useful resource
tool on the safety and security measures that
journalists need to employ to minimise risk
to life and limb while conducting their lawful
professional duties. It also highlights laws that
the media should be wary of to avert arrests
on accusations of violating the laws at hand.
It will also be a critical resource tool that will
inform the framing of trainings on journalism
safety and security.

Legislation Handbook

The handbook which is in the form of graphic
illustrations, will be used as an advocacy tool that
will make it easy for legislators to appreciate the
current state of the media legislative reforms
and the steps that need to be taken to align
outstanding laws such as the Official Secrets
Act, Interception of Communications Act, among
others, that have a bearing on the enjoyment of
access to information, freedom of expression,
media freedom and free expression online.

State of Communities Access to the Media

MISA Zimbabwe commissioned research on the
State of Access to Media in Rural Communities.

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