they failed to pay a K3,000 (US$
310) penalty for operating the
station without a frequency license.

2 November

The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has been sued by Lusaka entrepreneur Golden Malama
for failing to give him a frequency
after successfully applying for, and
being granted a license to broadcast ACTS Television, a Christian
channel in Lusaka’s Matero Township.
Malama sued IBA together with
two other communication regulatory companies, the Zambia Information Technology Authority
(ZICTA) and Top Star Communication Company Limited in the High
Court of Zambia, for not effecting
specific performance on agreement that ACTS Television starts
The Plaintiff said ACTS Television
was supposed to start broadcasting
on 1 January 2017 but that Top Star
Communication Company Limited, the signal carrier, notified him
via mobile phone short message
(SMS) that it shall refund him the
total sum of K22,500 (US$2,325)
signal charge he had paid.

7 November 2017

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde
Hichilema challenged Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation
(ZNBC) to give him a platform to
feature according to the Lusaka
Times. Hichilema wondered why
the PF complained about him being featured by international media, especially when ZNBC was
failing to provide him a platform
to air his views.

10 November 2017

Debating the budget line for the
Ministry of Information, Monze
Central UPND parliamentarian
Jack Mwiimbu lamented that the
opposition had been blacked out
by the Daily Mail, Times of Zambia
and ZNBC, adding that for that,
reason the PF should fund their
propaganda wings themselves.

11 November 2017

Lunte PF Member of Parliament
Mutotwe Kafwaya told Parliament
that ZNBC belonged only to those
in government because opposition political parties would waste
the national broadcaster’s airtime
talking about presidential petitions
which do not exist. He further
stated that ZNBC should not be
allowed to air any views from the

15 November 2017

The Zambia National Broadcasting
Corporation (ZNBC) suspended
staff member Mr Misheck Moyo for
attending church services in Mufulira at the same time as Roan Member of Parliament, Mr Chishimba
Kambwili. Mr Moyo who confirmed his suspension referred all
queries to ZNBC management
but mentioned that he was a congregant at St Lawrence Catholic
Church where Mr Kambwili and
the National Democratic Congress
leadership attended service on the
material Sunday.
Mr Moyo’s suspension letter indicated that he had brought the
name of ZNBC into disrepute following the attendance of a church
service where the NDC officials

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