20 September 2017

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Kampamba Mulenga, urged government departments and private firms that owe
public media houses for advertising
and other services to start liquidating the debt to enhance financial
sustainability of the institutions. In
an interview, Mulenga said government departments and private companies owe public media houses
a lot of money in advertisement,
which is affecting their operations.
She said government departments
and private companies should start
liquidating the debt to improve the
cash flow of public media houses.

22 September 2017

Minister of Information and Broadcasting,
confirmed that the Access to Information Bill will be presented to
Parliament for enactment as soon
as the cabinet approval process
is complete. The Minister noted:
“there were 13 pieces of legislation that would impede on the
implementation of the access to
information bill. These pieces of
legislation will have to be amended
by the ministry of justice” and the
government remained committed
to ensuring that the pieces of legislation were worked on as soon as

25 September 2017

Muvi TV journalist Oswald Yambani
was harassed by traffic officers who
allegedly pepper sprayed and beat
the journalist in their offices.

6 October 2017

The IBA summoned Prime TV
CEO Gerald Shawa for alleged
non-compliance in broadcasting services according to Section
29(2) of the IBA Act. The IBA letter to Prime TV cited Section 29
(2) of the IBA Act which provides
that “where a broadcasting license
does not comply with this Act or
with the conditions of the broadcasting license, the Authority shall
notify the broadcasting licensee of
the measures that the broadcasting
licensee should undertake, within
a specified period, to comply with
the conditions of this Act or broadcasting license.” It was not clarified in the letter in how far Prime
TV failed to comply with the Act.
Shawa was furthermore asked to
submit recordings of three programmes before the licensing

7 October 2017

In a statement released to the
media on 7 October, Information
Minister Kampamba Mulenga said
that government is currently looking at enforcing laws against cybercrime, including online falsehoods.
She warned individuals who were
writing false stories on social media
that it was considered a criminal
offence to write and publish fake
news both offline and online. Ms
Kampamba’s statement came after
a fake online article headlined;
‘Minister wupports arresting of men
who dump women after a year of

19 October 2017

Zambia Information Communication Technologies (ZICTA) confiscated a transmitter from Vision
Community Radio Macha after

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