Community Broadcasting
MISA Namibia is working on a pilot project to set up community
radio stations in six regions of Namibia. Steering committees
were set up to mobilise the communities in those areas, with
special emphasis on community ownership and control of future
community radio stations. A National Coordinator was appointed to
head this project.
In Zimbabwe the Mutare Advocacy Committee held a broadcasting “
Open the Airwaves Campaign” workshop in Nyanga on 25-26 October,
2002. The workshop focused on the issue of community
broadcasting. Parliamentarians, Councillors and civic society
leaders from Mutare attended the workshop, which discussed among
other things the weakness of the current broadcasting law and
what role the Mutare community can play in the setting up of
community radio stations.
In line with the public awareness campaign around the
broadcasting issue the Masvingo Advocacy Committee held a
workshop for members of Parliament, Councillors and civic society
leaders in Masvingo at the Great Zimbabwe Hotel on November 2,
2002. The workshop discussed the need for the Masvingo community
to have its own community radio station and also the weaknesses
of the current law.

News Exchange
The Misanet News Exchange Programme (MNEP), was established in
order to benefit the Southern African Community Development
Countries, with the exchange of news among the English language
This Programme which has since been extended to the two
Portuguese speaking countries two years ago, has progressing
well, despite setbacks experienced with publishers in Portuguese
speaking countries who fail to honour their commitment, which
affects the continued exchange of news on daily basis, to the
Misanet News Exchange Programme.
There was, however few contributions from Angola publications
early in 2001. Currently, the news exchange only receives news
from MediaFax, and Savana both from Mozambique, since our
partners in Angola have not been able to send any news since last
The news exchange, receives continually on daily basis
publications from English speaking countries such as IRIN, The
Chronicle from Malawi, The Namibian from Namibia, PlusNews, and
The Standard from Zimbabwe.


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