Participation from the state run radio station was also
In line with MISA’s policy of promoting excellence in the media
ZIMA held its first Annual journalism award in December 2002. The
award which goes with a cash prize was given to Radio Phoenix for
among other attributes objective reporting.
The Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, his
Permanent Secretary, Ministry officials, media representatives
from both the public and
private, NGOs representatives, the church and political parties
were among the 100 people that were invited to the colourful
In order to encourage students of journalism to strive for
excellence in their chosen career, awards in media training
institutions have been introduced.
These are at the University
of Zambia Mass Communication department, Evelyn Hone media
studies department and the Africa Literature Centre.
The awards are in honour of three late veteran journalists namely
: Professor Francis Kasoma of the University of Zambia, Abbe
Maine a renowned journalism lecturer and Jowie Mwiinga a fearless
journalist who once worked for the Post and later became a BBC
correspondent before his death.
To increase excellence in Journalism profession, increase number
of higher standard, ethical and professional journalists that
adhere to code of ethics, good governance and accountability,
MISA Tanzania in collaboration with six other media organisations
teamed up to set a Media Award Committee and Sub-Committees.
Sixty participants out of 100 attended the Orientation workshop
held in Dar es Salaam where journalists were urged to update
themselves with current issues by reading a lot of literature.
Thirty seven (37) participants in Morogoro attended the workshop
Morogoro. Journalists were reminded that a professional
journalist was the one who went to the poor and talked to the
people about their problems; and not the one who glorified
dignitaries and wrote about public relation stories.
The themes of the workshops were Objectives, Media Award, Good
Governance and Investigative writing and the award is called the
Edward Moringe Sokoine after the late Prime Minister who
recognized the role of the media in the country and promoted good
governance by making government officials accountable to the
The activity achieved its objectives, and received very wide
coverage in both the print and electronic media. The remaining
activity is the implementation (presenting the award during the
Gala Dinner in September 2003).


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