Realigning the organisation
At the 2008 annual general meeting (AGM), the Regional Governing Council (RGC) elected into office a new Executive Committee (EC), comprising Lomcebo Dlamini (Chairperson), Loughty Dube (Deputy Chairperson), Nomagcaleka Rangana and Henry Kabwe as committee members. Since then the current EC has followed up on the impressive work done by the previous EC. Ongoing matters of importance included the appointment of a regional
programmes manager to coordinate and monitor the implementation of MISA’s programmes.
The EC also approved the Realignment and Deployment Strategy proposed by the Regional Director. This includes a
project development component to strengthen the strategic positioning of MISA and ensure that the organisation
is attractive for fundraising purposes.
Also approved by the EC, and subject to ratification by the RGC, are policies relating to staff capacity development
as well as the updating of the current MISA policy on the termination of contracts regarding notice periods and the
handover requirements of senior staff, regionally and nationally.
Three EC members were also delegated duties in the Southern African Media Development Fund (Samdef), Southern African Media Training Trust (NSJ) and Southern Africa Institute for Media Entrepreneurship and Development
(SAIMED). Loughty Dube was seconded to NSJ, while Noma Rangana will represent MISA in Samdef and Henry
Kabwe will sit on the SAIMED board.
The organisational development (OD) process undertaken by the organisation in the last two years is nearing completion as the RGC has passed the document on to the Trust Fund Board (TFB) for a seal of approval before it is
presented at the 2009 AGM. The OD process, which drew input from all MISA structures, was embarked upon after
the realisation that MISA documents were in conflict and needed harmonisation. It is hoped that the final document will capture the most critical recommendations and core areas that need transformation to strengthen MISA’s
advocacy role in the region.
During the 2008-2009 financial year, MISA undertook the formulation of a Third Strategic Partnership Programme
(SPPIII) over five years (2010–2015), to commence upon completion of SPPII in March 2010. MISA’s basket fund
partners have indicated their commitment to continue supporting the organisation’s important work. MISA, therefore, extends heartfelt appreciation to these partners, namely the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
(Hivos), the Royal Danish Embassy, the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Royal Swedish Embassy.

Annual Report 2009


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