Facing chapter challenges
The RGC EC is mindful of the capacity deficiencies of some MISA chapters. Interventions have been necessary in
Angola where issues, such as financial accountability and activity implementation, need to be addressed. In Lesotho, a forensic audit is pending, while in Malawi capacity is needed in financial management. MISA South Africa’s
operations have been negatively affected by a high staff turnover, while the Tanzanian chapters face problems with
programme implementation and fundraising.
In all the areas that need attention, the EC has mandated the regional director to take the required administrative
actions. The EC also resolved that there was a need to develop a Chapter Intervention Policy. This has since been
drafted and will be presented to the RGC for discussion.
During the same period under review, a tripartite meeting was held with MISA (the TFB and the EC), SAIMED and
Samdef. Discussions focused on co-operation between the three bodies, as well as their sustainability.

Galvanising MISA’s members
MISA is a membership-driven organisations and the seeming inactivity of members in some chapters and dwindling membership numbers in other countries are causes for concern to MISA. There has been a lull in membership
in the last year and this is a challenge that MISA must address through the National Governing Councils (NGCs).
In conclusion, tribute should be paid to staff at the Regional Secretariat and national chapters who have worked tirelessly and under difficult conditions in the pursuit of fulfilling MISA’s obligations, beliefs and values. May the shared
values and beliefs we share as a family be the guiding principles that drive MISA into the future.
For and on behalf of the RGC EC
Loughty Dube
Deputy Regional Chairperson


Annual Report 2009

Select target paragraph3