With regards to the representation of religious diversity, there have been rare
occasions on radio and TV where guests from religions other than Christianity
were featured. However, little effort has been made to cover religious diversity. This
follows an early 2017 declaration by Cabinet that eSwatini is a Christian country
and that Christian teachings should be introduced into the country’s public schools.
‘Perhaps this has kept media from covering issues of religious diversity.’
Generally, LGBTIQ issues are not broadly covered by the media and when they
are, it is often with a negative spin. That said, panellists noted that the first
ever Pride Parade event in eSwatini (which took place in June 2018) was widely
covered by the media.
Aside from the VOC and SBIS siSwati channels, there are no local language media
in eSwatini and minority ethnic groups do not hear or read their vernacular in
the country’s media.
It was noted that Swazi TV does cater for sign language interpretation with its
news broadcasts.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








2.3 (2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: 2.0; 2011: 2.9;
2014: 2.3)

2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic,
cultural, political, social, national and local
perspectives and conduct investigative stories
Coverage of the full spectrum of perspectives and investigative stories leaves
much to be desired.
‘There have been some efforts to cover the full spectrum, but there are some
things that the media can’t touch. The former PM exerted strong controls on the
media and they can’t touch sensitive political topics and the royal family.’
‘You won’t get [opposition] political parties on the radio stating their views. We
have seen some coverage, but it comes with repercussions and cost.’
This is the norm in both private and public media houses. Panellists questioned
the independence of the Times. ‘The state has a heavy footprint. It’s tricky when



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