While panellists agreed that much remains to be done with regards to enhancing
the voices of women in the media, things have somewhat improved. Women and
Law have a weekly column in the Swazi Observer and more female columnists
with progressive views are being featured in the Times.
Some panellists noted that in ensuring more women’s voices are heard in the
media, added training is required in newsrooms. ‘We have a situation where
there’s been a weakening of quality in journalists. There was a time when a lot
was invested in media practitioners’ training. But now we see a juniorisation in
newsrooms and with that, a re-emergence of bias regarding articulation.’
Another panellist simply stated that ‘the change needs to come from society

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



3.2 (2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: 3.1; 2011: 3.4;
2014: 2.9)

2.8 All media fairly represent the voices of society and
its minorities in its ethnic, linguistic and religious
Panellists agreed that eSwatini’s media could do better when it comes to
representing the voices of society in all their diversity.
‘We are not doing well with regards to ethnicity. When you try to get views from
the public, you hardly ever have people that are non-Swazi, such as citizens that
are naturalised and so forth. So, the picture you get is of a homogenous society,
but there is some diversity.’
‘In some areas of eSwatini, we have people who are Swazi by citizenship, but
Zulu by ethnicity. But the media doesn’t do enough to capture their voices.’
Panellists noted that concern has previously been expressed about the media
taking a xenophobic stance and the potential danger which could result from
this. In some cases, non-Swazis may prefer to say ‘no comment’ because they are
unsure of what the repercussions might be if they do comment.



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