was polarised with the private media largely biased to the opposition and the public media being
pro-ruling party.52
Media specialisation
During the period under review there were several appeals to media practitioners and indirectly to
media training institutions to increase coverage and publication of articles on selected subjectareas such as health,53 development54, business,55 nuclear,56 investigative reporting,57 national
budget,58 and tourism.59 Although the appeals came from interested parties wanting to boost
information on their respective sectors it is probable that the parties also identified some
information gaps in the sectors. It is a message to media practitioners and media training
institutions to consider some basic specialisation without necessarily such specialisation being
4.6 Review of burning issues
The State of the Media Report for the Third Quarter of 2017 highlighted a few topics that attracted
wide and varied coverage by the print media. These topics included the procurement of fire tenders
by the government, presidential decree on mandatory HIV testing for all persons that sought
treatment at health institutions and high incidence of public markets being destroyed by
inexplicable fires. During the subsequent quarter the media seems to have gone into a lull mode
for there were comparatively very few follow up articles on what had been ‘burning’ issues.


ZDM Media fanning electoral violence? 6 December 2017 p.11
ZDM Report on health, media urged 14 October 2017 p.4 and ToZ Train journalists in health reporting 7
November 2017 p.2
ZDM Scribes challenged on development 9 December 2017 p.
ZDM Scribes prodded to report on business 16 November 2017 p.
ToZ Media urged to educate b public about nuclear energy 29 November 2017 p.13
The Mast Councillor challenges journalists to take up investigative reporting 27 November 2017 p.3
DN Track 2018 Budget, media urged 22 November 2017 p.5 The Mast Mwango urges media to follow budget
process 8 December 2017 p.3
DN DC prods scribes to market tourist capital 24 October 2017 p.6


Select target paragraph3