account of 13 pieces of existing legislation that were likely to impede the implementation of ATI
once passed.49
This position was further exacerbated by the fact that most pro-ATI Bill activists were mostly quiet
except for Pen International Zambia whose general secretary, Mr Daniel Sikazwe called on the
government to expedite the enactment of the ATI Bill.50 Mr Sikazwe said that the majority of
governments in Africa retained criminal defamation laws that made it a crime to say, write or
publish anything that might be considered defamatory or insulting. This resulted in restricting
freedom of expression, open debate, political criticism and media reports.
The call by Pen International Zambia should not be a lone voice in the wilderness but should jog
all pro-ATI activists to strategise and continue the long and arduous journey to eventual enactment
of ATI.
4.5 Media ethics
Concern for the media practitioners and media houses observing media ethics continued to attract
the attention of various stakeholders in the country during the fourth quarter of the year 2017.
During a public hearing by committee of inquiry into the violence that occurred during the
presidential and parliamentary elections in August 2016, it was observed that the media fanned
electoral violence because of the manner in which the media covered the elections. It was noted
that the media was becoming very dangerous because it was giving information which was only
destroying the country.
A Catholic priest, Fr Lastone Lupupa, a member of the committee of inquiry, expressed the view
that some sections of the media should not be allowed to set the tone for political dialogue in the
country as some were fuelling more division among political parties by circulating false
statements.51 Another view was expressed by petitioners to the committee that the media in Zambia

ToZ State assures Zambians on ATI Bill 22 September 2017 p.2 DN Information Bill still awaits Cabinet nod –
Minister 22 September 2017 p.3
DN Expedite FOI Bill enactment 27 November 2017 p.6
ZDM Biased media shouldn’t set agenda – clergy 16 October 2017 p.7 DN Chitimukulu blames chiefs, journalist
for “tension” 5 October 2017 p.2


Select target paragraph3