4.2 Economic and Technological Environment
A curious piece of information contained in the 2016 Auditor General’s Report revealed that 145
radio stations in the country had expired broadcasting licences. 11 The net result of the expired
licences translated into a loss of K2 241 730 in uncollected licence revenue in 2016.
During the fourth quarter, the Zambia Daily Mail Limited appeared to have stirred into both
strategic and tactical modes. First the company decided to trim its staff to a lean but optimum level
and to start running a radio station. The company’s decision to reduce staff through a voluntary
separation scheme in order to save on staff costs prompted the Press Association of Zambia
(PAZA) to once implore the government to consider privatising the public media. PAZA president,
Mr Andrew Sakala suggested that the government should consider the option of allowing the
public media to go into private hands rather than having to cut jobs through voluntary separation.12
The Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Ms Kampamba Mulenga on the other
hand stated that the government had no plans to privatise public media houses in spite of the
enormous challenges the public media was facing. She, in fact, gave full backing to Zambia Daily
Mail’s voluntary separation scheme. Ms Mulenga also expected Zambia Daily Mail Limited
employees that were nearing retirement to apply for the voluntary separation.13
The Minister said the government would turnaround the Zambia Daily Mail, the Times of Zambia,
the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) and the Zambia National Broadcasting
Corporation. Her view was that the turnaround process was intended to make the four public media
houses viable by reducing the blotted work force.
Zambia Daily Mail Radio Station
It was interesting to learn that during the fourth quarter, the Zambia Daily Mail Limited decided
to explore the possibility of running a radio station. The company decided to advertise for


ToZ 145 radio stations licences expire 20 November 2017 p.1
The Mast Privatise Daily Mail, don’t cut jobs – PAZA 6 October 2017 p.7
The Mast Govt can’t privatise the Daily Mail – Kampamba 9 October 2017 p.7


Select target paragraph3