Pikiti also said Mbasela asked Kafwabulula whether she was still a virgin in the political
spaces to which she responded that she did not know how to address the question and was
going to leave it. “While this was a calculated move as noted by Mr, Mbasela himself off air,
this should not be seen as a test for Comrade Kafwabulula’s capacity to address such
questions,” Pikiti said,”.
Communique-5th October (Zambia Reports)
The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has been named as the most open public
organization in Zambia following a research done by MISA Zambia.
MISA Zambia carries out the Transparency Assessment research annually to assess the levels
of transparency of select public organizations in Zambia.
This year, nine organizations were surveyed between 25th June and 31st July 2020.
Among the organisations surveyed include the Anti-Corruption Commission, Disaster
Management and Mitigation Unit, Electoral Commission of Zambia, Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of General Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Mines
and Mineral Development and Road Transport and Safety Agency.
According to MISA Zambia, the objectives of this study were to determine which public
organisations provide information to citizens upon request, timeously and with relative ease
and to determine which public organisations utilize online platforms to promote access to
This year, ECZ was found to be the most open public organization as it has an updated, userfriendly website and is also active on its social media pages and frequently posts updated

Alert Update-5th October (Zambia Reports)
MISA Zambia has strongly condemned the intimidation and humiliation of Socialist Party
national spokesperson Rehoboth Kafwabulula by a Sun FM journalist.
Last Thursday, Sun FM’s Kausa Mbasela hosted Ms. Kafwabulula from Socialist Party on the
station’s flagship current affairs programme dubbed Public Forum.
During the programme, Mr Mbasela humiliated Ms. Kafwabulula by asking her personal
questions such as; “who are you sleeping with?” and and “are you still a virgin in the political
“MISA Zambia has received with sadness the intimidation of Socialist Party National
Spokesperson by Sun FM journalist during a live call in radio programme. MISA Zambia
strongly condemns such interview tactics that are not only unprofessional, but also unfair and
a clear breach of media ethics,” MISA Zambia chairperson Hellen Mwale stated.
“We therefore, urge all media houses in the country to treat both female and male politicians
with equal respect, prominence, and avoid asking them demeaning questions that attack their
persona”. The interview tactic was not only unprofessional but also an insult to the female folk
as it insinuates that females can only be successful if the slept with men in higher position. We
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