

Alert-2nd October (The Mast)
2021Socialist Party Malole Constituency candidate Margaret Kangwa Pikiti has denounced
Sun FM’s radio journalist Kausa Mbasela for humiliating her Party National Spokesperson
Rehoboth Kafwabulula with questions such as “who are you sleeping with’ and ‘are you still
a virgin in the political space?’
Sun FM on Thursday hosted Kafwabulula the Socialist Part National spokesperson on its
Public Forum Programme. In a letter to the Ndola based radio station’s director dated
October1, 2020, Pikiti denounced Mbasela’s conduct during the interview. She explained that
Kafwabulula took time to explain when she joined the Socialist party from its inception in 2016
at the beginning of the interview and as well as the different senior leadership positions she
has held in the party before her 2020 appointment as national spokesperson.
“It was however very clear that Mr. Mbasela has pre-set and well calculated agenda to pose
question that the journalist did not probably realize would not only humiliate Comrade
Kafwabulula but all women,” she said,
“Below are some of the questions that Mr. Mbasela asked: How many young women have seen
participating in politics as you are at that level. …This is the question that I am asking because
this is the notion that really may be held by the larger society. Who is your relative in the
Sociality Party, who are you sleeping with in order for you to have this particular position’?’’
Pikiti narrated.
She said Kafwabulula responded that she is not sleeping with anyone and has not slept with
anyone. Pikiti said Kafwabulula told Mbasela that it was said that women rise in the political
space, the first question they are asked is who are you sleeping with, which should not be the
She said Kafwabulula wondered what kind of country was being created if all of Zambian were
not allowed to participate even in political processes. Pikiti said Kafwabulula told Mbasela
that she has been involved in the building of the Socialist Party in the forefront along with her
comrades, since it was formed and it was “shocking to say the least” for someone to ask her
who she was sleeping with. Pikiti said Mbasela responded to Kafwabulula saying,” That is
because politics is seem as the man’s game….”
She said Mbasela’s question was later followed by the first caller to the programme which the
interviewer noted was in line with his earlier question and repeatedly asked Kafwabulula to
address it.
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