institutions to begin to diversify revenue sources, especially in view of the forthcoming
Overall, the economic environment was as turbulent as the second and third quarters given the
instability of most economic fundamentals and the continued effect on the operations of the
media in the form of increased cost of production and running of media outlets. Despite less
severity of the economic downturn in the fourth quarter, the Coronavirus pandemic continued
to negatively affect media houses in view of reduced economic activity which further impacted
on the advertising revenue which is the economic mainstay of most media houses in Zambia.
The lack of a specific stimulus package targeted at media enterprises as key drivers of
democracy and access to information remained as an issue of concern throughout the fourth
quarter. Other factors such as continued electricity load shedding exacerbated the situation and
overstretched the thin resources on which the media outlets relied. Given the economic
trajectory and performance of most fundamentals at the close of the quarter as well as
resurgence of COVID-19 (a virulent strain), it is unlikely that the situation will improve for
media outlets in the next quarter.


The technological environment in the quarter under review was relatively uneventful as
compared to that in the previous quarters, with some major technological developments that
could revolutionise the media sector.
For example, on 29th December, the Zambia Information and Communication Technology
Authority (ZICTA) awarded Airtel Networks a limited radio spectrum in a frequency that is
expected to enhance user experience and pave way for introduction of 5G services in Zambia.
ZICTA Corporate Communication Manager, Ngabo Nankonde, issued the following:
The Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) has
awarded Airtel Networks Zambia Limited radio spectrum in the 800 MHz frequency
band at a cost of USD12.5 million, part of which will be used to enhance the spectrum
management functions of the Authority thereby paving way for quick introduction of
5G services in Zambia.
A competitive process was used in which a Request for Offer was issued to all eligible
international networks licensees (Mobile Network Operators) and Airtel emerged as
winner. The spectrum is expected to improve Quality of Service through enhanced voice
user experience that will see faster call setup, clearer voice quality and less dropped
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