empowerment programme in view of the many economic challenges the sector is currently
facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Effects of the economic shocks on media outlets were evident in the quarter as explained above.
For example, Millennium Radio, a Lusaka based radio station’s property was seized by the
National Housing Authority (NHA) after the Station fell behind in rental payments. However,
the Station dragged NHA to the Lusaka High Court seeking an order to stay the sale of its
property as well as an order setting aside the execution and/or sale of goods seized by the NHA
pending determination of the matter and an order to pay rental arrears in instalments28.
On a positive note, however, some media houses took initiative to widen their reach. One such
institution is the Zambia Daily Mail Newspaper which clinched an MoU with the Energy
Regulation Board aimed at providing a framework for cooperation in publishing adverts,
advertorials and editorial content centred on energy related matters. At the signing ceremony,
ERB Executive Director Langiwe Lungu said ERB intended to co-publish news articles,
features and columns to be more visible and accessible to consumers, licensees, investors,
traders and emerging businesses, among other stakeholders. The MoU gives ERB concessional
advertising rates in the Daily Mail while it (ERB) will be required to prioritise the Zambia
Daily Mail on the list of companies it publicises with29.
While such a move is good for guaranteed monthly revenue, it is important that the institution
maintains its editorial independence, a critical aspect of press freedom. This is so because the
MoU raises many questions: will the newspaper be able to cover content from sources critical
of the ERB? Will the institution still employ objective news judgement when dealing with the
ERB? It is, therefore, important that media houses tread carefully with regard to the proportion
of advertising in their revenue generation. Overdependence on advertising as a source of
revenue tends to compromise editorial independence and subjugate news judgement as well as
public interest. It is for this reason that for broadcast institutions, the IBA Act30 is clear on
separation of advertisements and other programme outputs. There is need, therefore, for media


According to a report carried by News Diggers newspaper on 25th November, 2020. See

As reported in the Daily Mail Newspaper on 4th December, 2020.


As provided in Section 33 (f) of the IBA Act No. 17 of 2002 (as amended by Act 26 of 2010)

P a g e 32 | 56

Select target paragraph3