community radio station due to lack of content to broadcast, non-payment of licence fees, being
irregularly on and off air and dilapidated studios and other infrastructure challenges.
It was noted by the Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Ms. Dora Siliya that
government had reconsidered re-issuing the licence because the radio station had adhered to all
the recommendations that were made by IBA when cancelling the operating licence in March this
She noted that government considered the appeal by the Kafue Community Radio Station to
reinstate its broadcasting licence for the latter to serve the people of Kafue and enhance democracy.
She said government, the IBA and Kafue community radio station are all interested in serving the
people of Zambia.
On its part, Kafue FM has endeavoured to adhere to the guidelines from the IBA by investing
about K189,000 to rehabilitate the studio infrastructure. It must be noted that the radio station has
also bought modern studio equipment as guided by the IBA when the licence was cancelled.
4.3.2 Censorship
In a case that may seem like a case of censorship and an infringement of the freedom of expression,
on 21st October, 2019, The News Diggers Newspaper Publication carried a heading “Chingola
Police Nab Man for Calling President Edgar Lungu A Dog”
It was reported that the Police in Chingola had arrested and detained a 48year old man who
allegedly defamed President Edgar Lungu by calling him a “a dog and a goat”. The man was
identified as Simon Malasha of house number 133 Nyati road in Chingola’s Chiwempala
The paper reported that the man accused President Lungu of causing misery to the Zambian People
through load shedding and high mealie meal prices.
Meanwhile, the same newspaper reported that Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga
confirmed this in an interview. She said police arrested the suspect on October 8, 2019 around
16:00 hours.


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