The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Board wishes to announce that it has
with immediate effect lifted the suspension of the broadcast licence for Lutanda Radio
Station of Kasama in Northern Province.
The lifting of the suspension of Lutanda Radio Station’s licence comes after the
station willingly met the conditions set by the Authority when the licence was
suspended. These conditions included; conducting in - house training on basic
journalism ethics, programme moderation skills, script writing and ethical
Prior to the lifting of the suspension, the IBA had been monitoring Lutanda Radio for
one month to see whether the conditions set were being met.
The Authority is pleased to inform members of the general public that during the
period, Lutanda Radio Station was serving its suspension, the station engaged BBC
Media Action and MISA Zambia to train the members of staff and the Board in basic
journalism skills, script writing and ethical broadcasting including the Penal Code
Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
Furthermore, Lutanda Radio invited the IBA to train members of staff and the Board
in provisions of the IBA Act related to ethical reporting, factors that can lead to
suspension, cancellation and revocation of a broadcast licence and complaints
As a background, on 15th November, 2019, the IBA Board suspended the broadcast licence of
Lutanda Radio Station for 30 days following the unprofessional conduct in which the station posed
a risk to national peace and security. The Authority found that Lutanda Radio Station had breached
the IBA Act by airing a programme deemed to promote tribalism and hate speech, failure to
moderate a programme and failure to follow guidelines provided for a religious broadcasting
Meanwhile, on 12th December 2019 the IBA also lifted the suspension of the Kafue FM radio
broadcasting licence. As a background, the IBA cancelled the operating licence for Kafue


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