The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two/three years?
Positive developments
1. There is more usage of media space by the general public.
2. Private radio stations have become a popular medium but public radio
stations have dropped in popularity.
3. There is a considerable increase in the number of people using new and
social media such as Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
4. The enactment of the Communications Act of 2012 which introduces
four tier broadcasting system.
5. The emergence of new radio stations.
Negative developments
1. The Minister of Communications is responsible for appointments on
boards regulating the media
2. There is a lack of respect and integrity in the media profession

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next years?
1. Self regulation: To set up a committee made up of media stakeholders
on how to institute media self-regulation - Violet Maraisane, Crosby
2. Media Policy and analysis of the Media Policy to be developed and shared
widely: Develop civic society position on the Media Policy based on
contents and analysis of policy - MISA
3. Work around the 2012 Communications Act: Raise information
awareness about the Act - MISA to decide
4. Training - Consolidation of Training: - South African Media
5. Business Reporting, Investigative Journalism, Community Issues - Alliance
The meeting took place at Mohale Lodge, Mohale, Lesotho, on 1-2 September 2012.



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