SECTOR 4 one of the Association of Journalists founder members, it was decided that branches registered as associations were to be converted and registered as unions and this process is still being undertaken. Media houses in Lesotho are unwilling to join media organisations like MISA because they feel that there is no benefit for them. Media owners also tend to be suspicious because they are unaware of who is involved and what their agendas are. Employees from these media houses can join MISA as individuals but they tend not to, because it is awkward when an employer regards the media organisation with suspicion. “You can never feel free to participate in that organisation.” Editors by nature are suspicious and they are reluctant to get together and find common ground on which they can develop something such as an Editors Forum or a Publishers Association. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.4 (2010 = 2.0; 2008 = 1.5; 2006 = 1.9) Average score for sector 4: 1.5 (2010 = 2.7; 2008 = 1.6; 2006 = 2.0) Overall Country Score: 2.1 (2010 = 2.4; 2008 = 1.6; 2006 = 1.6) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER LESOTHO 2012 61