1.8 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens.
In theory the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) legislates
for the easy retrieval of information by the general public and even more
specifically for ‘accredited’ journalists.
According to AIPPA’s section 78 (1) (b) an accredited journalist will:
be given prior access or privileged access to records to which access is
permitted in terms of this Act or to such other records or documents as
may be prescribed …
This, of course, contradicts section 39 (1) (c) of AIPPA which tasks the Zimbabwe
Media Commission “to ensure that the people of Zimbabwe have equitable and
wide access to information” (emphasis by author). The same section under (m)
also empowers the Commission
to authorise a public body, at the request of its head, to disregard requests that
would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the public body …
In reality it is difficult to obtain information from government departments and
other public bodies. Heads of public bodies are allowed to refuse the release
of information “if granting access to a … record is not in the public interest”.
Such a catch-all provision gives departments a free hand to deal with requests for
information at their own discretion.
The process of obtaining information is bureaucratic and involves a written request
to the relevant public body which then has 30 days to reply. If the request is not
responded to within 30 days the person requesting information can complain to
the minister heading the department. For journalists working on a deadline, this is
a laborious process that impacts negatively on the quality of their output.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.5 (2010:1.9; 2008:1.2; 2006:1.1)

Select target paragraph3